deathcold 2011

I am suffering, not so valiantly, with DeathCold 2011.

Originally, it was a bothersome tickle in my throat and a bit of a sniffly nose. I kept going to work each day, bravely. For the Cause.

Then it progressed into a ManCold, which left me no choice but to complain and whine with true ManCold fervor. (Click here if you don’t know what a ManCold is.)

That led to my sweet love affair with NyQuil. Which led to crazy dreams about Zombies attacking. Do not fear. I’ve seen Shaun of the Dead enough times that I could keep us all safe during the night. So, I guess I’m saying “you’re welcome” as I saved everyone while they were sleeping through an attack of the Zombies.

By last night, it was clear that I might not make it. DeathCold 2011 has choked my nose and caused my head to have a size 52 headache. Which, by the way, is pretty awful.

You might think I’m overreacting, but I’m telling you, it’s serious. The signs are all there. My nose has been asphyxiated by snot. My nostrils are raw and battered by the tissues I had jammed up there when my nose was drowning itself.

My throat is quiet now, but that’s probably a sign of defeat. I had a fever, incase you’d like to know. A high fever just like in the cartoons where the thermometer explodes. Almost exactly just that bad.

I’m grumpy and then sometimes I’m quite sad, like this morning when my box of kleenex fell from the bed and I had to lean waaaaay over to get it back and I almost slipped.

I’ve watched a lot of television and feel like if I make it through till tomorrow Hallmark should make a TV movie of the week about my bravery.

People have died from colds, you know.

Not any people that I know, but someone has. For sure.

Anyhow, I have no reason for telling you all this except that I like sharing pathetic details of my life and this day has been pathetic detail supreme.

So thanks!

I did write some stuff over on the other section of this blog—There Is Hope, one thing about how Pain Holds You Captive and another about how Pain Makes You Angry.

So feel free to go over there (the titles are active links) and I’ll just lay here and keep up the brave front. All sick and possibly dying. Of a cold.


© 2011 Juliet deWal

Editorial note February 2012—I made it through that horrible cold and lived to tell the story!

xoxj • click main title to comment •

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